whimsical & intentional floral magic
durham, north carolina & beyond
from wedding flowers, intimate dinners, to interactive floral experiences, at bkd we believe in flower details.
so if you dream of colorful whimsical flowers, or classic flowers in romantic candlelight, we design a floral experience that will be the most memorable flower story for your wedding, event or brand.
Located in Durham, North Carolina, we specialize in stunning wedding floral designs. Serving Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Clayton, Winston-Salem and beyond, we create unforgettable floral experiences for your special moments.
our favorite press features:
brands we’ve worked with:
Nordstrom | Michael Kors | American Express | Crate & Barrel
our floral offerings
get to know us
connect with bkd on instagram to see more of our designs, gather inspiration and enjoy behind the scenes action at our events